Certified B Corporation

Certified B Corporations meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As the first Herbal Supplements Company to become a Certified B Corp™, we use business as a force for good: making products that are beneficial for people in a way that is good for the earth.

Since our first certification in 2010, we:

  • Established the Green Team, a task force to keep our sustainability efforts on track.
  • Achieved zero waste outputs (90% or more of waste is diverted from landfills) in our operations.
  • Conserve electricity: Installed LED lights in our new facility and implemented task-lighting and energy-saving office equipment settings. Updates to equipment resulted in energy savings.
  • Established an Environmental Management System and began tracking Carbon Emissions.
  • Put forth our annual sustainability impact report.
  • Continue to prioritize sourcing Certified Organic herbs to eliminate toxins from our supply chain. The rest are ethically wildcrafted or naturally grown.
  • Reduced waste by redesigning our product packaging to use less plastic and minimal packaging materials.
  • Use 100% biodegradable packing peanuts to ship our products.
  • Meticulously recycle tons of cardboard, plastics and glass.
  • In partnership with TerraCycle and Trex, We recycle office supplies such as printer cartridges, tape dispensers, and plastic bags.
  • We support the herbal community, stewardship and education through contributions and in-kind donations.
  • Divert compostable material from landfills:
    • The marc, or powdered plant pulp left over from the extraction process, is composted by a local farmer. Renewing this by-product is a great way to have a positive environmental impact and benefit our local agricultural community.
    • We use a local company, Neighborhood Compost, to compost our paper towels which has helped us move from a dumpster for our bi-weekly garbage pickup to a standard sized garbage can.
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